OpenPlant Modeler Help

Expression Builder (Name Builder)

Used to compose name expressions to be used in NC Data.
Note: The title on the dialog "[The Name ID] Name Builder" varies based on context of Identification name the dialog is activated from, by clicking the browse [...] button.
Expression variables List of available OpenPlant Modeler variables to compose the expression.
Note: Number of variables in expression variable list varies as per the calling feature i.e. Subfolder name, file name and attached part name has different number of expression variables.
Selected variables List of selected variables to compose the expression.
Move right Click to move the selected expression variables from available list to selected variable list.
Delete Click to delete the selected variables from selected variable list
Move Up/Down Moves the selected variable within selected variable list in upward / downward direction, respectively.
Used-defined text User defined text or text separator symbols to be added as a part of expression (e.g., text, numbers, special characters).
  • – Moves the user-defined text to selected variable list.
Note: Special characters like \ / : * ? " < > | are not allowed to add as user defined text in expression.
Expression preview Shows the preview of expression as per the variables in selected variable list.
  • If expression not visible horizontally, use horizontal scroll bar (below the text box) to scroll through the expression.
  • If expression contains a variable from expression variables list, it will be used in expression by adding "%" symbol at start and end of the variable name.
  • If expression contains a user defined text, it will be used in expression by adding "<" symbol at start and ">" at end of the variable name. (e.g., %Drawing Number%<_>%Position Number%)
  • Blank spaces at start & end of expression are not allowed.

Expression Validation

Besides file name the expression builder validates all expression variables written within %. If something gets written in the string that is not a variable and represented in between % symbol then the expression validator triggers you to remove such non-variable expression, when you load such template and tries to create report out of it. For example, when you accidently load wrong template that is not the requirement, where it looks for a Subfolder Name as a Model Name and File Name as a Position Number. Then once you proceed to generating an NC file, you will get a message:

"File Name expression must contain either position number or ship number variable".

This validation reloads expression variables applicable on several of NC Data sub tabs: 'General', 'Header-ST', 'Marking Attached Part' and 'Text Stenciling-SI'.